Saturday, July 6, 2013

Mac and Cheese Grilled Cheese

Today's lunch was made from our need to use up last night's leftover mac and cheese (That recipe is coming soon. Believe me, you'll definitely want to make it!) This recipe can be done with any kind of leftover mac and cheese (even boxed if you need)

       Ingredients (per sandwich)
             2 slices bread
             2 slices american cheese
             1/2 cup leftover mac and cheese (or enough to cover the slice of bread)
             1 Tbsp oil or butter for pan

Place a slice of cheese on each slice of bread, and put macaroni and cheese on one slice so it covers the slice to the edges. Assemble sandwich and pan fry over medium low heat (keep it a little low so it heats through)

 To keep the sandwich together while cooking, give the sandwich a good smash before adding to the pan (this was a good job for Big) 

As was eating the yummy results. These are hearty sandwiches perfect for using up the leftovers in a fast and very kid-friendly way. Is it a chilly day where you are? Add a bowl of tomato soup to this for the perfect winter lunch.

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